Notes: The following information may be of help, viewing Owen's pages.

If you are an experienced computer user then you can skip to the "Owen's War Years" link below.

1. Set your monitor resolution to at least 800 X 600, or better would be to 1024 X768 or higher. (I tried to make pictures look good at 800 X 600).

2. Set the number of colors to as high as you can, best with at least 24 bit.

3. Where there are no links to go back, then use the back button on your browser.

4. When you click on a link then all words that use that link will change colors. The easy way to reset links on a page is to refresh that page. To reset all links go to "tools", "options", and "clear history". This is a good idea any time you are going to view pages that are updated often.

5. For those not using broadband (Cable or DSL) please be patient, I tried to make the pictures load as quick as possible, while maintaining good definition.

6. Some pictures are for information only, and are not directly related to planes that Owen flew in. The ones that he was directly connected to are easy to identify.

These pages were put on the web by, Owen's youngest brother, Frank, to honor Owen's service to his country and all mankind. His buddies call him Bill but everyplace that I mentioned his name it is Owen, because that is what his brothers and sisters call him.

If you have any questions just click on feedback on any page that has it.

Enjoy, now click on Owen's War Years below.

Owens War Years